Thursday, February 18, 2010

Yale's February Update

I just love that YDS does stuff like sending out regular email updates on where they are in the admissions process.  Even though I know when the decisions will be sent out, and thus approximately where they should be in the process, it is simply a small comfort to periodically hear from them.  Whatever their decision about my enrollment, I am glad to have had such a pleasant application experience with them.

Here is some of what was in the February update, which came from their Associate Director of Admissions and Recruiting:

"Winter in the admissions office typically passes in a flurry of applications and this year is no different. Reading applications and processing decisions has kept me, and my colleagues on the admissions committee, very busy. We have about two more weeks of committee work and then I finish up processing all the decisions (that means checking and double checking, editing letters, etc) and then we start printing decision letters."

So there you have it.

I still don't have my other two applications complete and submitted!  Ack!

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