Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Method to My Madness

A kind person wrote to me today concerned with my focus on studying very specific vocabulary words and math concepts.

If it is comforting to anybody, I am using a highly recommended study guide called Cracking the GRE, which comes from the fairly well-regarded Princeton Review. Basically the method to my madness is their method.

The good news is that even if I don't end up needing their specific vocabulary words on the test, just studying the words and trying to make them into sentences is strengthening my writing muscles, which should help me on things like my Statement of Purpose and application essay questions.

Rest assured that I am also spending a lot of time doing practice test questions. Right now I find that it works better to do those off the blog, but I may experiment at doing some on the blog later on.

Oh yeah, and please don't feel like you need to be a scholar or somehow extra smart to post here. First of all, this blog is largely for the fun of learning together and I'm surely as clueless as you are, and second, any and all comments are most welcome (assuming, of course, they're not cruel or something) including cheerleading, jokes about the material or the process, or whatever else you want to throw into the mix to help make this fun!

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